General Documents
Available only in Spanish
Second Session of the Coordinating Committee: Agenda | 7 June 1965 | |
Third Session of the Coordinating Committee: Agenda | 9 August 1965 | |
Fourth Session of the Coordinating Committee: Agenda | 10 August 1965 | |
Fifth Session of the Coordinating Committee: Agenda | 1 February 1966 | |
Sixth Session of the Coordinating Committee: Agenda | 2 February 1966 | |
Seventh Session of the Coordinating Committee: Agenda | 15 February 1966 | |
Eighth Session of the Coordinating Committee: Agenda | 16 February 1966 | |
Ninth Session of the Coordinating Committee: Agenda | 17 February 1966 | |
COPREDAL/CC/9 | Tenth Session of the Coordinating Committee: Agenda | 22 February 1966 |
Report of the Coordinator on the preparation of Project Agreements with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) | 4 March 1966 | |
Review of the Coordinator's Report on the preparation of Project Agreements with the IAEA | 4 March 1966 | |
Eleventh Session of the Coordinating Committee: Agenda | 7 March 1966 | |
Twelfth Session of the Coordinating Committee: Agenda | 8 March 1966 | |
Thirteenth Session of the Coordinating Committee: Agenda | 9 March 1966 | |
Fourteenth Session of the Coordinating Committee: Agenda | 9 March 1966 | |
Fifteenth Session of the Coordinating Committee: Agenda | 10 March 1966 | |
Sixteenth Session of the Coordinating Committee: Agenda | 10 March 1966 | |
Seventeenth Session of the Coordinating Committee: Agenda | 11 March 1966 | |
Eighteenth Session of the Coordinating Committee: Agenda | 11 March 1966 | |
Nineteenth Session of the Coordinating Committee: Agenda | 14 March 1966 | |
Coordinating Committee Report | 14 March 1966 | |
List of annexes to the Report of the Coordinating Committee | 14 March 1966 | |
Twentieth Session of the Coordinating Committee: Agenda | 14 March 1966 | |
Twenty-first Session of the Coordinating Committee: Provisional Agenda | 27 December 1966 | |
Coordinating Committee Report | 28 December 1966 | |
Twenty-second Session of the Coordinating Committee: Agenda | 28 December 1966 |
Documents of the Secretariat
Provisional Agenda (Agenda for the inaugural session of the Coordinating Committee) | 31 May 1965 | |
Telegram addressed to the Secretary General of COPREDAL by the President of Working Group A, on the partial report of the activities of said Group | 31 May 1965 | |
Note addressed to the Secretary General by the President of Working Group B, sending the partial report of said Group | 1 June 1965 | |
Note addressed to the Secretary General by the President of Working Group A, containing the partial report of said Group | 3 June 1965 | |
Note addressed to the Secretary General by the President of Working Group B, forwarding the Report of said Group | 23 July 1965 | |
Report of Working Group C | 4 August 1965 | |
Report of Working Group A | 6 August 1965 | |
Suggestions presented by the Representative of Ecuador, His Excellency. Mr. Ambassador Leopoldo Benites, to Working Group A, on the determination of the Latin American denuclearization zone | 6 August 1965 | |
Summary of the session held by Working Group A, July 6, 1965 | 6 August 1965 | |
Summary of the session held by Working Group A, July 8, 1965 | 6 August 1965 | |
Summary of the session held by Working Group A, July 27, 1965 | 6 August 1965 | |
Note addressed to the Secretary General by the Chairman of Working Group A, regarding the response of the Government of the Netherlands to the efforts made by said Group | 24 August 1965 | |
Preliminary draft articles for the Treaty on the Denuclearization of Latin America related to verification, inspection and control | 14 March 1966 |
Agreements adopted by the Coordinating Committee in its installation session, on the election of its Board and organization of work. | 31 May 1965 | |
Agreements adopted by the Coordinating Committee in its second session, on the recommendation of the form and structure in which the reports of the Working Groups should be produced and on Resolution 2, adopted on March 19, 1965) by the Preparatory Commission in its First Period of Sessions. | 1 June 1965 | |
Agreements adopted by the Coordinating Committee in its third session, on the assignment of the UN Technical Consultant to the Preparatory Commission; preparation by the Secretariat of the Commission of a Working Document relating to the Preamble of the Treaty; on distribution of the Report of Working Group C and classification of documents | 9 August 1965 | |
Agreements adopted by the Coordinating Committee at its fourth session on participation in the deliberations of the Commission of Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago; on the constitution of a Negotiating Committee and on the suspension of the sending of correspondence and documents to the Dominican Republic | 10 August 1965 | |
Agreements adopted by the Coordinating Committee in its sixth session held on February 2, 1966 | 2 February 1966 | |
Agreement adopted by the Committee at its ninth session regarding the preparation of a Draft Agreement covering the application of the IAEA Safeguards System and the cooperation that said Agency may provide for the verification, inspection and control of the obligations contracted in the treaty | 17 February 1966 | |
Agreements adopted by the Committee at its tenth session regarding the recognition of the work carried out by the Secretariat in the preparation of the Annexes to Doc. COPREDAL/CC/S/DT/1 and the request made to the Director General of the IAEA to send comments about said document. | 22 February 1966 | |
Agreement adopted by the Coordinating Committee at its sixteenth session regarding the expression of the Committee's appreciation for the IAEA's offer to continue collaborating in the work of the Preparatory Commission, and the referral of Doc. COPREDAL/CC/DT/1 to the Director General of said Organization. | 11 March 1966 | |
Agreement adopted by the «'. Cemita Coordinator in its eighteenth session regarding the secondment of Mr. William Epstein, Head of the Disarmament Affairs Group of the UN Secretariat as Technical Consultant to the Third Session of the Preparatory Commission. | 12 March 1966 | |
Agreements adopted by the Coordinating Committee in its eighteenth session regarding the transmission to the Governments of the Member States of Doc. COPREDAL/CC/DT/1, and the transmission of the same to the Governments of Cuba, Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago . | 12 March 1966 | |
Agreement adopted by the Coordinating Committee in its thirty-second session, held on December 28, 1966. | 28 December 1966 |
working papers
Working document that the Coordinating Committee submits to the Preparatory Commission for the formulation of the Preliminary Draft Treaty for the Denuclearization of Latin America | 14 March 1966 | |
Corrigendum to the previous document | 18 March 1966 |
Working Papers of the Secretariat
Presentation of the Draft Basic Agreement between the permanent Organization to be established for the denuclearization of Latin America and the IAEA | 21 February 1966 | |
Draft Basic Agreement “A” between the Center and the IAEA | 21 February 1966 | |
Corrigendum to the draft basic agreement "A" between the Center and the IAEA | 21 February 1966 | |
Draft Basic Agreement “B” between the Center and the IAEA | 21 February 1966 |
Comments on the Preliminary Draft Treaty
Observations of the Government of Mexico on the Preliminary Draft of the Multilateral Treaty for the Denuclearization of Latin America. | 1 February 1966 | |
Full text of the Preliminary Draft of the Multilateral Treaty for the Denuclearization of Latin America in accordance with the observations of the Government of Mexico. | 1 February 1966 | |
Corrigendum to the observations of the Government of Mexico referred to in the previous document and its Annex. | 1 February 1966 | |
Observations of the Government of Chile in relation to Resolution 9 (Il) | 1 February 1966 |
Assignment of Mr. William Epstein to the Preparatory Commission as Technical Consultant | 9 August 1965 | |
Request to the Secretary General to prepare a working document that contains elements that can be used in the drafting of the preambular part of the Preliminary Draft Multilateral Treaty for the Denuclearization of Latin America | 9 August 1965 | |
Recommendation to the Preparatory Commission that, in its Second Session, it give priority to the examination of the participation of Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago, with full rights, in the deliberations of the Commission itself | 9 August 1965 | |
Draft resolution of the Coordinating Committee regarding the creation of a Negotiating Committee composed of the President of the Preparatory Commission and the Presidents of Working Groups A and C | 9 August 1965 | |
Resolution of the Coordinating Committee regarding the transmission to the Preparatory Commission, for consideration during its Third Period of Sessions, of Doc. COPREDAL/CN/1 and the recognition of the Coordinating Committee for the work of the Negotiating Committee | 2 February 1966 | |
Resolution of the Coordinating Committee regarding the recognition of this Body for the work of the Secretariat in the preparation of the Annexes to Doc. COPREDAL/CC/S/DT/1 and the transmission to the Director General of the IAEA of the aforementioned documents with the request of to send the Committee its observations on the same | 22 February 1966 | |
Resolution of the Coordinating Committee regarding the request to the Director General of the IAEA to commission one or two officials specialized in legal affairs and nuclear technology for the Third Session of the Commission | 22 February 1966 | |
Resolution of the Coordinating Committee regarding the return to the Commission of the Draft Resolution of the Argentine Republic (Doc. COPREDAL/L/1) and the transmission of some paragraphs of Doc. COPREDAL/CC/AR/6. | 10 March 1966 | |
Paragraphs of the Summary Record of the sixteenth session of the Coordinating Committee referring to document COPREDAL/L/1. | 10 March 1966 | |
Resolution of the Coordinating Committee requesting from the Governments of the United States of America, Great Britain and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics a response to the notes of May 6, 1966 (Docs. COPREDAL/39, 40 and 42) | 15 August 1966 |
Summary Records
Summary record of the eleventh session of the Coordinating Committee. | 7 March 1966 | |
Summary record of the twelfth session of the Coordinating Committee. | 8 March 1966 | |
Summary record of the thirteenth session of the Coordinating Committee. | 9 March 1966 | |
Summary note of the fourteenth session of the Coordinating Committee. | 9 March 1966 | |
Summary record of the fifteenth session of the Coordinating Committee. | 10 March 1966 | |
Summary record of the sixteenth session of the Coordinating Committee. | 10 March 1966 | |
Summary record of the seventeenth session of the Coordinating Committee. | 11 March 1966 | |
Summary record of the eighteenth session of the Coordinating Committee. | 11 March 1966 | |
Summary record of the nineteenth session of the Coordinating Committee. | 14 March 1966 | |
Summary record of the twentieth session of the Coordinating Committee | 14 March 1966 |