Speeches, statements, and articles by the Secretary-General

10 October 2017 New York, United States of America

Side Event: “Dialogue among Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zones and Mongolia” >

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17 March 2015 Geneva, Switzerland

Conference on Disarmament

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Publications and interviews

16 February 2017 Mexico City, Mexico

Nada indica que el terror nuclear ha pasado; – interview for Deutsche Welle (DW)

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14 February 2017 Mexico City, Mexico

Persiste la amenaza nuclear en el orbe, sostiene secretario general del Opanal; – interview for La Jornada

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12 February 2017 Mexico City, Mexico

The Nuclear Spring – article published in El Excélsior

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23 January 2017 Mexico City, Mexico

Foreword IV of the book “Alfonso García Robles – Premio Nobel de la Paz, Padre del Desarme Nuclear en América Latina”;. Author of the book: Rafael Medina Martínez; Editorial: Las Animas

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5 September 2015 Mexico City, Mexico

¿Cuál es la función de OPANAL?; – interview for Excélsior TV

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16 July 2015 Mexico City, Mexico

The Day the World Changed – article published in Reforma

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28 August 2014 Mexico City, Mexico

Día Internacional contra los Ensayos Nuclerares > – interview for Consejo Profesional de Química of Argentina

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24 May 2013 Brasilia, Brazil

Para que serve a bomba – article published in Política Externa

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Statements by Ambassador Luiz Filipe de Macedo Soares >as Permanent Representative of Brazil to the Conference on Disarmament >(2009-2011)

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