Certification by the External Auditor of the statements of account of the Agency for the fourth quarter of 2004 | |
Agenda | |
List of Participants (Spanish) | |
Organization of work | |
Report of the Secretary General | |
Report of the Council | |
Status of the Treaty and its Additional Protocols. Memorandum of the Secretary General | |
Status of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Agency. Memorandum of the Secretary General | |
Control System. Memorandum of the Secretary General | |
Application of Article 24 of the Treaty. Memorandum of the Secretary General | |
Use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. Memorandum of the Secretary General | |
Prevention of radioactive contamination of the marine environment within the framework of the Treaty of Tlatelolco. Memorandum of the Secretary General | |
Interpretative Declarations of Nuclear Powers to the Additional Protocols I and II of the Treaty of Tlatelolco. Fullfilment of Resolution 430 (E.XVI) | |
Strengthening of the Agency for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean | |
Education for Peace, Disarmament and Nuclear Non-Proliferation. Memorandum of the Secretary General | |
Election of the Members of the Council. Memorandum of the Secretary General | |
Report of the Committee on Contributions and Administrative and Budgetary Matters | |
Election of the Members of the Committee on Contributions and Administrative and Budgetary Matters | |
Appointment of the External Auditor | |
Program budget of the Agency for fiscal year 2006 and scale of contributions for the apportionment of the Agency’s expenses for year 2006 | |
Certification by the External Auditor of the statements of account of the Agency for the first three quarters of 2005 | |
Election of the Secretary General |
Report of the Secretary General | |
Report of the Council | |
Status of the Treaty and its Additional Protocols | |
Status of the Convention on Privileges and Immunities of the Agency | |
Control System. Application of Articles 13 and 14 | |
Application of Article 24 of the Treaty of Tlatelolco | |
Use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes | |
Prevention of radioactive contamination of the marine environment within the framework of the Treaty of Tlatelolco | |
Interpretative Declarations of Nuclear Powers to the Additional Protocols I and II of the Treaty of Tlatelolco | |
Strengthening of the Agency for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean | |
Education for Peace, Disarmament and Nuclear Non-Proliferation | |
Election of the Members of the Council | |
Report of the Committee on Contributions for the Apportionment of the Agency for fiscal year 2006 | |
Appointment of the External Auditor |